안녕하세요, MBA Lab입니다.
Columbia Business School(CBS)가 fall term 데드라인까지 모두 발표했습니다.
올해 J-term 은 June 18 과 August 15 두 번의 데드라인이 있고 롤링 베이스입니다. Fall term의 데드라인은 R1 September 10, R2 January 7입니다.
■ Deadlines
January 2025 Entry Application Deadline

August 2025 Entry Application Deadlines

* The August 2025 application is expected to be available in late June.
그리고 올해 Columbia Business School(CBS) 세번째 에세이의 질문이 변경되었습니다. 작년에는 why CBS였던 해당 질문이 올해는 아래와 같이 변경되었습니다.
Essay 3
We believe Columbia Business School is a special place with a collaborative learning environment in which students feel a sense of belonging, agency, and partnership–academically, culturally, and professionally.
How would you co-create your optimal MBA experience at CBS? Please be specific. (250 words)
– 지난 20년 간 이어오던 why CBS 에세이가 2024년에 바뀌었습니다. 이 에세이는 학교에 대한 Contribution Essay로 접근합니다.
– CBS에서 본인이 professionally 관심이 있는 부분을 먼저 찾아봅니다. Club, Academic, Professional에서 내가 기여할 수 있는 부분, 함께 참여할 수 있는 부분, 또한 내가 배울 수 있는 부분을 찾아 학교 조사를 합니다. 모든 내용을 나열하기 보다는 작은 한 두 가지를 자세히 쓰는 게 좋습니다.
– CBS의 program, field trip, seminar/webinar, conference, competition, club, activity, podcast 등의 모든 resources를 어떻게 활용하고 어떻게 add value할 수 있을지 고민해봅니다.
아래는 올해 Columbia Business School(CBS)의 에세이 질문들입니다.
■ Essays
Applicants must complete two short answer questions and three essays.
– Short Answer Question: What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (50 characters maximum)
– January Short Answer Question: Why do you prefer the January-entry term? (50 characters maximum)
Essay 1
Through your resume and recommendation, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next three to five years and what is your long-term dream job? (500 words)
Essay 2
The Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership (PPIL) is a co-curricular program designed to provide students with the skills and strategies needed to develop as inclusive leaders. Through various resources and programming, students explore and reflect on the following five inclusive leadership skills: Mitigating Bias and Prejudice; Managing Intercultural Dialogue; Addressing Systemic Inequity; Understanding Identity and Perspective Taking; and Creating an Inclusive Environment.
Describe a time or situation when you had the need to utilize one of these five skills, and tell us the actions you took and the outcome. (250 words)
Essay 3
We believe Columbia Business School is a special place with a collaborative learning environment in which students feel a sense of belonging, agency, and partnership–academically, culturally, and professionally.
How would you co-create your optimal MBA experience at CBS? Please be specific. (250 words)
■ Link: https://academics.gsb.columbia.edu/mba/admissions/options-deadlines